Selasa, 12 Maret 2013

Ilmu Pengetahuan Alam

1. Nanda melakukan pengukuran panjang dengan
mistar yang hasilnya sebagai berikut.
Hasil pengukuran panjang di atas adalah ....
A. 0,9 cm               C. 1,4 cm
B. 1,3 cm                D. 1,9 cm
2. Perhatikan pengukuran massa sebuah benda
berikut ini.
Jika volume benda 20 cm3, massa jenis benda
tersebut adalah ....
A. 1050 kg/m3          C. 10.500 kg/m3
B. 4200 kg/m3          D. 42.000 kg/m3
3. Sambungan pada rel kereta api harus diberi celah.Hal ini bertujuan ....
A. agar rel tidak melengkung pada saat besimemuai
B. mengurangi gesekan dengan kereta api
C. agar rel tidak melengkung saat dilewati keretaapi
D. agar rel tidak terlepas dari bantalan kayunya
4. Perhatikan grafik berikut.
Air sebanyak 1 kg bersuhu 30°C akan diuapkan.
Jika kalor jenis air 4.200 J/kg°C dan kalor uap air 2,26106 J/kg, maka banyaknya kalor yangdiperlukan untuk kegiatan tersebut adalah ….
A. 294 kJ                C. 2.260 kJ
B. 1.260 kJ             D. 2554 kJ
5. Penumpang bus akan terdorong ke depan ketika direm mendadak. Peristiwa tersebut merupakan penerapan dari ....
A. Hukum Gravitasi
B. Hukum I Newton
C. Hukum II Newton
D. Hukum III Newton
6. Sebuah peluru bermassa 10 gram ditembakkan dengan kecepatan 20 m/s, maka energi kinetik peluru tersebut adalah ....
A. 0,5 J                   C. 2,0 J
B. 1,0 J                    D. 2,5 J
7. Benda di bawah ini yang menggunakan prinsip kerja bidang miring bergerak adalah ....
8. Perhatikan gambar berikut.
Sebuah mobil dengan massa 2,1 ton, ditempatkan seperti gambar di atas. Agar mobil tersebut terangkat, minimal diperlukan gaya (F) sebesar ....
A. 3 N                     C. 300 N
B. 30 N                   D. 3.000 N
9. Perhatikan gambar gelombang transversal berikut ini.
Cepat rambat gelombang transversal di atas adalah ....
A. 1 m/s                                 C. 3 m/s
B. 2 m/s D. 4 m/s
10. Di bawah ini pernyataan yangmnbenar adalah ....
A. gelombang bunyi akan merambat lebih cepat jika mediumnya udara daripada mediumnya air
B. gelombang bunyi di udara merupakan gelombang longitudinal
C. gelombang bunyi dapat merambat dalam ruang hampa
D. gelombang bunyi di udara merupakan gelombang transversal.
11. Perhatikan gambar.
digeser dari posisi semula 4 cm menjauhi lensa,maka jarak bayangan dari lensa adalah ....
A. 32 cm                C. 16 cm
B. 24 cm                 D. 8 cm
12. Sebuah sisir plastik digosok dengan rambut. Sisir menjadi bermuatan negatif dan rambut menjadi bermuatan positif. Hal ini disebabkan oleh ....
A. memperoleh elektron kehilangan elektron
B. kehilangan elektron memperoleh proton
C. kehilangan proton memperoleh proton
D. kehilangan proton kehilangan elektron
13. Perhatikan rangkaian listrik berikut. Besar kuat arus (I) pada Rangkaian listrik di samping adalah ....
A. 3,0 A                  C. 1,5 A
B. 2,5 A                   D. 0,6 A
14. Rumah tangga Pak Yusuf menggunakan peralatan listrik sebagai berikut:
Nama Alat        Daya(W)    Jumlah    Lama Pemakaian
1. Lampu                20           5              12
2. Televisi              24           1              5
3. Pompa air          100         1              1
4. Setrika               300         1              1
14.Rekening listrik yang harus dibayarkan dalam 1 bulan (30 hari), jika harga per kWh Rp 700,00 adalah ....
A. Rp 21.160,00   C. Rp 41.160,00
B. Rp 31.160,00    D. Rp 51.160,00
15. Perhatikan gambar.
Paku di atas menjadi batang magnet setelah didekatkan dengan magnet. Cara pembuatan magnet di atas disebut ... dan kutub‐kutub paku AB adalah ....
A. elektromagnet, A = selatan, B = utara,
B. elektromagnet, A = utara, B = selatan,
C. induksi, A = selatan, B = utara
D. induksi, A = utara, B = selatan
20. Saat kita membuat minuman manis dengan menambahkan gula, gula yang terlarut termasuk dalam perubahan fisika, karena terjadi ....
A. Pelarutan
B. Perubahan bentuk
C. Perubahan suhu
D. Perubahan wujud
21. Berikut ini adalah beberapa keuntungan dari penggunaan bahan pewarna buatan, kecuali ....
A. Lebih tahan lama
B. Dapat digunakan dalam skala besar
C. Tidak memengaruhi rasa atau tidak mengubah rasa
D. Varian warna terbatas
22. Zat kimia dalam rokok yang menyebabkan keracunan pada pemakaian dosis tinggi adalah ....
A. Tar
B. Nikotin
C. Sianida
D. Karbon monoksida
23. Perhatikan gambar berikut ini! Dari gambar di atas yang ditunjuk anak panah menunjukkan salah satu ciri makhluk hidup, yaitu....
A. berkembang biak
B. memerlukan makanan
C. peka terhadap rangsang
D. tumbuh dan berkembang
24. Perhatikan ciri‐ciri tumbuhan berikut!
1) Akarnya serabut
2) Bertulang daun sejajar
3) Bunga diserbuk oleh angin
Berdasarkan ciri diatas, tumbuhan tersebut termasuk dalam kelompok ....
A. lumut
B. dikotil
C. monokotil
D. paku‐pakuan
25. Perhatikan jaring‐jaring makanan berikut ini!
Apabila terjadi pembasmian ular, maka yang akan terjadi adalah ....
A. populasi ayam menurun
B. populasi rumput menurun
C. populasi harimau menurun
D. populasi burung elang meningkat
26. Kemajuan zaman menjadikan munculnya banyak industri‐industri baru sehingga makin banyak pula limbah yang dihasilkan sebagai sisa hasil produksi. Pembuangan limbah industri yang sembarangan dapat mengakibatkan pencemaran lingkungan. Salah satu usaha untuk mencegah pencemaran tersebut adalah .....
A. melarang mendirikan industri baru
B. membuang limbah cair industri ke sungai
C. mendirikan industri di dekat pemukiman penduduk
D. pengelola industri wajib membuat unit pengolaan limbah
27. Ledakan penduduk yang pesat menimbulkan pengaruh besar terutama lingkungan berupa pencemaran lingkungan. Grafik yang menunjukkan hubungan antara jumlah penduduk dan pencemaran lingkungan adalah..
28. Perhatikan ciri‐ciri sel darah berikut ini.
Berdasarkan gambar di atas, sel darah tersebut
memiliki fungsi ....
A. membunuh kuman penyakit
B. menjaga keseimbangan suhu tubuh
C. mengikat oksigen dan karbon dioksida
D. membantu pembekuan darah pada saat luka
29. Perhatikan alat pencernaan berikut ini!
Enzim yang dihasilkan organ Y berfungsi untuk ....
A. membunuh kuman penyakit
B. menggumpalkan protein susu
C. mengubah protein menjadi pepton
D. mengubah amilase menjadi maltosa
30. Di dalam rongga hidung, udara pernapasan mengalami proses ....
A. penyesuaian suhu dan penyaringan Pencemaran Lingkungan Jumlah Penduduk Pencemaran Lingkungan Jumlah Penduduk Jumlah Penduduk Pencemaran Lingkungan Jumlah Penduduk Pencemaran Lingkungan
B. penyerapan dan penyaringan udara
C. pengaturan tekanan dan kelembapan
D. penambahan volume dan penyesuaian suhu
31. Perhatikan gambar sendi berikut! Gerakan yang dapat dilakukan oleh sendi pada gambar di atas adalah ....
A. dua arah           
B. satu arah          
C. berputar arah
D. ke segala arah
32. Perhatikan bagian ginjal berikut!
Pada bagian yang ditunjuk huruf S berlangsung
proses ....
A. penyaringan darah
B. penampungan urin
C. penambahan zat sisa
D. penyerapan kembali zat‐zat yang berguna
33. Bagian otak manusia yang berfungsi menjaga keseimbangan adalah ....
A. otak kecil          C. otak tengah
B. otak besar         D. sumsum lanjutan
34. Perhatikan gambar potongan melintang batang berikut! Bagian yang ditunjuk huruf R memiliki fungsi sebagai ....
A. mengangkut hasil fotosintesis untuk diedarkan ke seluruh tubuh
B. mengangkut air dan mineral dari dalam tanah menuju daun
C. menyerap karbon dioksida dari udara bebas menujun daun
D. memberi perlindungan bagi jaringan pengangkut pada tumbuhan
35. Pergantian siang ke malam memengaruhi perubahan temperatur dan intensitas cahaya yang berkaitan dengan gerak pada tumbuhan. Berdasarkan keadaan tersebut, respon yang dilakukan oleh daun tanaman petai cina adalah ....
A. membuka sepanjang hari dan menutup menjelang gugur
B. menutup pada malam hari dan membuka pada siang hari
C. menutup pada siang hari dan membuka pada malam hari
D. mengeluarkan aroma wangi di saat perubahan temperatur terjadi.
Bahasa Inggris

1. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To get information.
B. To tell experience.
C. To congratulate someone.
D. To invite someone.
2. When will the party be held?
A. September 10th
B. Saturday, September 23rd
C. September 20th
D. Saturday, September12th
Read the following text to answer questions 3 to 5
To: Fitri
I need your help! I can’t do the science homework number 5. It’s too difficult and I can’t find the answer.
May I come to your house for doing it together this evening? Please answer as soon as possible. Rachma
3. Why does the writer send the message?
A. To tell the reader if she can’t do the science homework.
B. To inform the reader if she wants to go to her house.
C. To let the reader do her science homework.
D. To ask the reader if she may come to her house.PELAJARAN 2012/2013
4. From the message we know that the writer ....
A. Will answer the message as soon as possible
B. Will help the reader do her home work.
C. Got a problem with the science homework.
D. Want to visit the reader.
5. “It’s too difficult.”
The antonym of the underlined word is ....
A. Easy
B. Fast
C. Hard
D. Slow
Look at the following notice to answer question 6 – 7
6. What does the notice mean?
A. There is an animal.
B. Beware of the animal.
C. Don’t feed the animal.
D. Don’t take home the animals.
7. Where can you usually find the notice?
A. In the pet shop.
B. In the zoo.
C. In the market.
D. In the mall.
Read the following text to answer question 8 – 10
8. What does the text tell you about?
A. How to decorate a paper glider.
B. The things needed for making a paper glider.
C. How to make a paper glider.
D. Tips for making a paper glider.
9. Based on the text, what materials do we need to make a paper glider?
A. A set paper clip
B. Some paper stars
C. A piece of a lightweight paper
D. A box of crayon
10. What should we do to make the paper glider fly?
A. Fold a piece of lightweight paper in half the long way.
B. Fold a corner down to touch the folded edge.
C. Fold the top of one side down to the bottom fold.
D. Open the wing and your glider will fly.
   Chocolate milk shake
2 cups milk
4 cups vanilla ice cream
1 cup frozen/fresh strawberries
4 teaspoons chocolate sauce
1. The first step is not to start making the juice but instead to chill your milkshake glasses by placing
them in the freezers for a maximum of one hour. A cold glass would keep your shake cool and provide you with more time to enjoy the drink.
2. Allow the ice cream to become soft. Softening the ice cream would make shake‐making easier.
3. Introduce the ingredients (ice cream, added flavors and milk) into a blender and mix on high for 60 seconds. Don’t keep the mixture in the blender for more time otherwise the shake would melt quickly.
4. Once the blending is complete, take out the glasses which you had kept in the freezer and pour the shake into them.
5. Put a straw into your yummy shake and enjoy. There is nothing wrong in drinking a shake straight from the glass. However, the straw somehow adds to the pleasant experience and flavor.
(Taken from: howtomakeamilkshake.html)
11. What do we do before making the juice?
A. Allow ice cream to become soft.
B. Put the glass into the freezer.
C. Introduce the ingredient.
D. Take out the ice cream from the freezer.
12. “. . .to chill your milkshake .”(Step 1) What is the meaning of the underlined word?. . . .
A. The liquid that comes from fruits and vegetables.
B. A drink made of milk, ice cream, and fruit, chocolate, or some other flavoring, all mixed together in a machine.
C. A thick cold drink made from fruit, ice and often yogurt or ice cream, which is mixed together until
D. A sweet, frozen food made from milk and cream.
     Read the following text to answer question 13 – 15
    The Mustsee Ambarawa Railway Museum
You can easily be accused of committing a tourism sin if you’re in Semarang and failed to
visit the Ambarawa Railway Museum. This museum is situated less than an hour drive from the capital of Central Java.
During the Dutch colonial days, Ambarawa was a military zone and the railway station was used to transport troops to Semarang through Kedungjati. It is at 474m above sea level, giving
you unpolluted fresh air to breathe.The Ambarawa Railway Museum is well maintained. It is a medium‐sized building. The railway route is offered to visitors. You can enjoy
the beautiful panorama during the route. All in all, this is a truly exciting treasure to visit.
(Source:Dit. PSMP, 2006)
13. What is the text mainly about?
A. The location of Ambarawa railway museum.
B. The history of Ambara railway museum.
C. The exciting place in Semarang.
D. The beautiful panorama of Ambara railway museum.
14. Where is the location of the Ambarawa
railway Museum?
A. It is in the Semarang.
B. It is less than an hour drive from the
capital of Central Java.
C. It is the Kedungjati.
D. It is at 474 m above sea level.
15. How did the Dutch use the Ambarawa railway
A. Attracting the visitors with unpolluted fresh air to breathe.
B. A military zone.
C. Transportation troops to Semarang through Kedungjati.
D. A railway museum.
Read the following text to answer questions 16 – 17
Jasmine, a member of the olive family, is a vine that originated in the tropical regions of Asia. The word jasmine comes from the Arabic word "yasmin", meaning "gift from God". Jasmine is widely grown for its
soothing smell and attractive flowers. Jasmine is primarily grown outdoors, but you can grow jasmine indoors with proper maintenance and a little extra care.(Taken from:
16. What is the word ‘Jasmine’ derived from?
A. Arabic
B. Asian
C. Egyptian
D. Latin
17. The following are true statements about the text above, EXCEPT . . . .
A. Jasmine only can live in the tropical regions.
B. Jasmine is only grown outdoors.
C. Jasmine is easy to take care of.
D. Jasmines are soothing smell and attractive flowers.
Read the following text to answer questions 18 – 22
My Horrible Experience
Let me remind you of my experience during an earthquake last week. When the earthquake happened, I was in my car. I was driving home from my vacation to Bali. Suddenly my car lunched to one side, to the left. I
thought I got a flat tire. I did not know that it was an earthquake. I knew it was an earthquake when I saw
some telephone and electricity poles falling down to the ground, like matchsticks. Then I saw a lot of rocks tumbling across the road. I was trapped by the rock. Even I could not move my car at all. There were rocks everywhere. There was nothing I could do but left the car and walked along way to my house, in the town.
When I reached my town, I was so surprised that there was almost nothing left. The earthquake made a lot of damage to my town. Although nothing was left, I thanked God that nobody was seriously injured. (Taken from:
18. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To entertain the reader.
B. To tell the writer is experience.
C. To describe something
D. To inform something
19. The text mainly tells us about . . . .
A. The writer’s car which is trapped by the rock.
B. The writer’s feeling of earthquake two weeks ago.
C. The writer’s experience during an earthquake last week.
D. The writer’s vacation in Bali.
20. Why did the writer thanked God after the earthquake?
A. He could be saved from the earthquake.
B. He could reach his town.
C. He could be released from the tumbling rocks.
D. He knew that nobody was seriously injured.
21. “Then I saw a lot of rocks tumbling across the road.”(paragraph2)
What is the synonym of the underlined word?
. . . .
A. Fall
B. Stand up
C. Lay on
D. Fly
22. “. . . there was almost nothing left.” (paragraph2)
The underlined word ‘there’ refers to the. . . .
A. Town
B. Bali
C. Writer house
D. Road
     Read the following text to answer questions 23 – 27.
A long long time ago in west Sumatra, Indonesia there was a fisherman and his wife who lived in a village by the sea. They had only one son. His name was Malin Kundang. They lived a simple life because as a fisherman the husband did not earn much money. Life got harder for Malin and his mother when his father did not return from the sea. Perhaps a storm had swollen his boat or maybe a big fish attacked him. Day by day passed and they kept waiting for him. But Malin’s father never returned. So little Malin had to help her mother sold cookies in a local market. One day there was a big ship came to the beach of their village. It was a merchant ship. Everybody came to see it including Malin. He was very impressed by what he saw. Hoping to change his life he applied for a job and he was lucky. He was recruited by the ship owner. Then Malin left his mother and his village. Many years gone by without any news from Malin. Malin’s mother missed him so much. Every day she looked at the sea, hoping to see Malin came home. She always prayed to God that Malin become a successful merchant. Then God heard her pray. On a beautiful day there was a big ship came to the beach. Many people came there to see it. Malin’s mother was expectant. She was sure that it was Malin’s ship. So she hurriedly came to the beach. When she was there she asked someone that she wanted to see the owner of the ship. Then a lovely lady met her. She wore a luxurious dress and jewellry. She was Malin’s wife. ‘Is Malin Kundang here?’
“Do you know Malin?”
‘Yes, of course I know him, he’s my son!’
‘But Malin told me he had no mother. She passed away a long time ago’.Malin’s mother was very surprised to hear her answer. Then Malin came. Her wife asked him. ‘This poor woman said that you are his son’ Malin Kundang who had become a rich merchant and had a wife from a rich family was ashame with his mother who looked poor. He denied his humble background. So when her mother hugged him he repelled her. ‘Malin, my son, I miss you so much’. ‘Who are you? I am not your son’. Malin’s mother was crying. She was really irritated.
Her heart was deeply hurt. Then she prayed to God. And she cursed Malin. Suddenly there was a storm. The sea was raging. Big wave came and Malin’s ship was rushed ashore and destroyed. And Malin suddenly changed into a stone statue. Today people can see Malin’s statue in Teluk Bayur beach in west Sumatra. When there is a storm or rain people often hear someone’s crying. They believe it is Malin’s cry. (Taken from:
23. What is the purpose of the text?
A. To describe something.
B. To amuse the reader.
C. To entertain the reader.
D. To inform something.
24. Who were the main characters of the story?
A. Malin Kundang and his wife
B. Malin Kundang and his mother
C. Malin’s mother and God
D. Malin’s mother and father
25. How can Malin’s mother meet Malin Kundang again?
A. She met Malin Kundang’ wife
B. Her pray was heard by God
C. Malin Kundang missed his mother.
D. Malin’s ship came to the village.
26. How did the story end?
A. Malin Kundang changed into a stone statue.
B. Malin Kundang became a rich merchant.
C. Malin Kundang sank when a big wave came and destroyed his ship.
D. Malin kundang sacrificed himself to be a guardian statue in Teluk Bayur beach.
27. What is the most suitable moral message of the story?
A. Love needs sacrifice.
B. Honesty is the best policy.
C. Never irritate our parents
D. Never give up for reaching your dream.
Read the following text to answer questions 28 – 32.
Do you know, what is the largest lizard? This lizard is called komodo. It lives in the scrub and woodland of a few Indonesian islands. Komodo dragon is the world's heaviest lizard, weighing 150 pounds or more. The largest Komodo ever measured was more than 10 feet (3 meters) long and weighed 366 pounds (166 kg) but the average size of komodo in the wild is about 8 feet (2.5 meters) long and 200 pounds (91 kg). Komodo has gray scaly skin, a pointed snout, powerful limbs and a muscular tail.They use their keen sense of smell to locate decaying animal remains froseveral miles away. They also hunt other lizards as well as large mammals and are sometimes cannibalistic. The Komodo dragon's teeth are almost completely covered by its gums. When it feeds, the gums bleed, creating an ideal culture for virulent bacteria. The bacteria that live in the Komodo dragon's saliva causes septicemia, or blood poisoning, in its victims. A dragon will bite its prey, then follow it until the animal is too weak to carry on. This lizard species is threatened by hunting, loss of prey species and habitat loss.
28. What does text mainly talk about?
A. Kinds of Komodo dragon
B. Komodo dragon characteristics
C. Komodo dragon habitat
D. The heaviest lizard in the world
29. “. . . . its prey, then follow it . . . .”(paragraph 4)
What is the synonym of the underlined word?
A. Victims
B. Habitats
C. Species
D. Lizards
30. What did the Komodo dragon do to kill its prey?
A. Bite its prey.
B. Use its teeth.
C. Use its gums.
D. Follow the prey until the animal is too weak.
31. What is a mammal?
A. An animal which eats the flesh of animals of its own type.
B. Any animals in which the female gives birth to babies, not eggs, and feeds them on milk from her own body.
C. A living thing that can move and eat and react to the world through its senses, esp. of sight and hearing.
D. A set of animals or plants, members of which have similar characteristics to each other and which can breed with each other.
32. Why are Komodo dragons threatened? Because. . . .
A. They hunt each other.
B. Their blood consists of poison.
C. They are hunted by people.
D. They are bitten by their prey
   Fill in the blanks to answer questions 33 – 37.
                                                            My Holiday at The Beach
Last week my friend and I were bored after three weeks of holidays, so we (33). . . our bikes to Smith Beach, which is only five kilometres from where I live. When we arrived at the beach, we were surprised to see there was hardly anyone there. After having a quick dip in the ocean, which was really cold, we realized one reason there were not many people (34) . . . . It was also quite windy. After we bought some hot chips at the takeaway store nearby, we rode our bikes down the beach for a while, on the hard, damp part of the sand. We had the wind behind us and, before we knew it, we (35) . . . many miles down the beach. (36) . . . we made the long trip back, we decided to paddle our feet in the water for a while, and then sit down for a rest. While we (37) . . . on the beach, just chatting, it suddenly dawned on us that all the way back, we would be riding into the strong wind.(Taken from:
33. A. Rode
      B. Ride
      C. Drive
      D. Drove
34. A. Here
      B. There
      C. That
      D. This
35. A. Was
      B. Is
      C. Were
      D. Are

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